“How is this going to make me feel?”--my client Amanda’s story

When you think about mindful eating, you probably think about eating and noticing how food tastes and how you feel as you’re eating, in the present.

But something a lot of people don’t connect is the concept of what I call “future mindfulness”. It’s asking yourself, as you’re eating, “How is this food GOING to make me feel?” This awareness is so helpful with eating and feeling in control and not overeating. It’s also such a good tool to use to help you with practicing gentle nutrition.

This was a big breakthrough my client, Amanda, had while we were working together. When she first started coaching, she found herself eating a whole row of oreos with a tall glass of milk most nights. She was feeling like she had to nap most days in the afternoon because she wasn’t mindful of how her food choices were making her feel energy-wise. She wasn’t making choices with eating that felt good to her.

But as we worked together, she started to practice “future mindfulness”. Asking herself with everything she ate, “How is this food going to make me feel after I eat it?” And using that information, that wisdom, to help decide if she wanted to eat the food she had in mind. Or not.

With this, as you’ll hear her talk about in the episode, the key is to be neutral about your decision either way. If you ask yourself “How is this food going to make me feel?” and the answer is “not great… but I still want it”, there’s no judgement here. The purpose of this tool is awareness and intention. Not saying there’s a “right” or “wrong” answer to this question.

Don’t miss this! The purpose of asking yourself “How will this food make me feel?” isn’t about there being a correct answer. And if you choose “wrongly” you should feel shame… NO. The purpose is to empower you to be intentional with your body and your choices with food.

I’ll tell you first hand, there are times where I think “I want to eat some ice cream with my kids” and I know that it may not make my body feel amazing. But I choose to eat the ice cream with them for the yumminess (obviously), but also for the memories we’re making together. And I make that decision, knowing I may not feel great afterwards, with intention. And zero guilt.

You’re going to love Amanda’s story. And I hope experience hope as you listen and maybe see some of yourself in her. And know that getting to where she is now with food, feeling so much empowerment and so intentional around it, is possible for you too.

Find and listen to this episode of the Redefining Health Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

And if you’re tired of constantly struggling with food, I can help you make peace and stop struggling with food for good. Book a free consult with me HERE.


Intuitive Eating Principle # 4: Challenge the Food Police


Intuitive Eating Principle # 3: Make Peace with Food