Intuitive Eating Principle # 3: Make Peace with Food

Today on the podcast we're talking about Intuitive Eating Principle number 3… make peace with food.

 And out of all of the principles, this one often gets the most questions and push back.


Because diet culture has conditioned us to believe that we can't trust ourselves or our bodies with food.

And, as we talk about in the episode, there’s this misconception that making peace with food will mean you stop caring about your health.

But here’s the truth… our bodies naturally crave a healthy balance of healthy foods when we make peace with food. Our bodies can be trusted and when you make peace with food, food no longer has power over you and you’re able to make more empowered, confident decisions around food.

Making peace with food and removing the “good food”/ “bad food” label is key to eating intuitively.

Why? Because when foods are “off limits” or “bad”, we aren’t able to approach food from a place of neutrality. And oftentimes what happens is, we want and are drawn to those foods EVEN MORE.

Psychologically speaking, when something is “off limits”, we want that thing even more. Take my toddler for example… he has a million toys he could play with. But what does he want to play with and ASK to play with constantly? The things he CAN’T have. The drill. Knives.

This is just how we are wired.

So yes, I know the message you’ve gotten has always been that there are “good” and “bad” foods. But the reality is, food is neutral. It isn’t moral. And labeling it as such is only complicating your relationship with it and making it harder to listen to your body.

Find and listen to this episode of the Redefining Health Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

And if you’re tired of constantly struggling with food, I can help you make peace and stop struggling with food for good. Book a free consult with me HERE.


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