Is Diet PTSD Keeping You Stuck?

Do you want to pursue health goals, but feel like you can’t because it goes against intuitive eating?

So many of my clients struggle with this dilemma, and it truly keeps them stuck. They feel like intuitive eating just isn’t for them, when in reality diet PTSD is keeping them from experiencing the fullness of intuitive eating.

The reason so many people struggle with this is that most people who get into the intuitive eating space such as influencers and coaches (like myself), have a history of an eating disorder or a very unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. Because of this, they have a red alert to any kind of structure around health.

It’s like they’ve exchanged one extreme for another, from being way too structured, to feeling like there can be no structure — If you’re not dieting, you can’t have any structure with health, and if you want to, it’s wrong.

But, I’m here to say, neither extreme is right. There is a place in the middle, and this is actually intuitive eating.

So what is diet PTSD?

If you think about it, dieting is pretty traumatic — forcing food and exercise rules on yourself, missing out on important moments, and bypassing what your body is telling you it needs. So for most people, they want to avoid dieting so much that they go to the other extreme where there’s no structure.

However, the truth is that intuitive eating is not anti-structure or anti-health. Intuitive eating can actually have a lot of structure that makes you feel healthy and empowered.

What can you do about diet PTSD?

This is exactly what I help my clients work through! I take them through a step-by-step plan to notice diet PTSD, create health goals based on real life, and approach these goals with flexibility. Flexibility is truly the key to pursuing goals in an empowering way and that keeps you consistent.

In this week’s episode, I’m sharing how to identify and work through diet PTSD, so you can pursue health goals and feel good and empowered along the way.

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Health Benefits of Eating Intuitively... My Client Zandra's Story


Eating with Confidence: My Client Emily's Story