You Can Trust Your Body

The message our culture gives us is that we CAN’T trust our bodies. That we need to count every calorie and track our macros and weigh and measure and portion everything. But everything about how our bodies work says we CAN trust our bodies.

But our bodies are beautifully designed and created for you to be able to eat intuitively.

To trust your body.

And yet, for you, this probably feels soo foreign. Because it is. This is NOT how we’ve been conditioned to think about food, about health, about our bodies.

Today on the podcast I’m going to share with you the case for why you can trust your body.

As I mentioned, our bodies are designed for us to be able to trust them.

We have hormone cascades that are triggered when we are hungry that signal to our brain that we need to go find food. And similarly, we have other hormones that are triggered when we are reaching fullness that tell our brain we are almost at a good place to stop.

Dieting dampens these signals because we aren’t used to paying attention to them.

You’re so used to listening to the diet, the clock, the program, the calorie count to tell you how to eat, how much and when to stop. And as you get less and less familiar with listening to your body, you lose this skill. But that doesn’t mean it’s lost. It does mean you need to practice listening to your body to get it back.

We create beliefs from evidence. So right now, you probably have a lot of evidence that you CAN’T trust your body. This is why it’s maybe hard for you to believe that you can trust your body. You have the evidence of overeating and binging and not desiring the healthier foods.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t trust your body. It just means you need to create new evidence that you can.

Again, you do this through practice.

But this also means you have to be willing to get it wrong. To mess up. To overeat and learn from that experience. This is how you grow. This is how you will become an intuitive eater.

And the more you do this, take action, step out in faith that you can trust your body, the more evidence you will create that you are someone who can trust yourself and your body. This is how it works.

You have the biology and the science that backs up that you can trust your body.

Now you just have to create the evidence.

This is a little snippet of the full episode which you can listen to on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

And if you want me to coach you, to help you become someone who can trust themselves around food, someone who eats intuitively and feels calm around food, I can help you. Book a free consult HERE.


It’s Not About the Food… Episode with my Client Sarah


The Diet Cycle