What You Actually Want When You Want to Lose Weight

Do you desire to lose weight?

Sometimes there’s this idea in the intuitive eating space that desiring to lose weight is bad, that you’re bad or wrong for desiring weight loss. This is just not true. Part of just the culture we live in, sadly, is that we are brought up viewing certain bodies as good and others as bad. These are some deep beliefs that are often ingrained in us from when we were young. From how we heard our parents talk about their bodies or our bodies. How we heard people on shows and movies talk about bodies. And how we see people on social media talk about their bodies.

Your desire to lose weight isn’t wrong. But…

What I want you to see is the deeper desire that is there under the desire to lose weight. There is always a deeper desire. Losing weight is often what we believe will lead to this other desire that we have.

But, that isn’t the case. You have to get to the root of your desire for weight loss. What do you actually want?

The problem with not doing this work of getting to the root of what you actually want with weight loss is that if you will lose weight, but never actually be satisfied. Because your weight wasn’t the root issue.

So, I’m going to share with you the common real reasons why I see women wanting to lose weight and I want you to get honest with yourself about the real reasons why you want to lose weight.

These are some of the root desires for wanting to lose weight…

They want to feel confident.

They want to feel beautiful.

They want to feel accepted.

They want to feel loved.

They want to feel enough.

And here’s the truth. You choose the beliefs you have about yourself. You get to choose to be confident. You get to choose to see yourself as beautiful. You get to choose to feel accepted. Loved. Enough.

This belief in who you are from deep within has to come from you. Weight loss won’t make you confident if you aren’t confident right now. Weight loss won’t make you feel beautiful if you don’t feel beautiful right now.

This is the work of building your foundation of a positive self-image. And a positive self-image is the foundation for a healthy relationship with food. They’re all interconnected.

Listen to the episode on Apple, Spotify, or Google

PS: If you are ready to step into confidence and a better relationship with yourself, I can help you. Schedule a free consult with me HERE.


Real Self-Care with Alexandra Carter


The Perfect Diet