What It Looks Like to Work With a Coach


Have you ever thought about working with a coach?

Maybe you have, but you’ve thought… “What even is coaching?” “What would we do?” “Is it like therapy?”

This week’s podcast episode is a little different than our usual episodes. Today, you’ll get a sneak peak into what a coaching call is like through my conversation with Lauren Barksdale.

Fun fact…Lauren and I first met and connected over on her podcast. She has a podcast called “Maybe You Can Relate” and she invited me on a few months ago to talk about body image and intuitive eating.

Through our conversation, I had an idea to share an episode with you where I did a coaching call with Lauren, just like I would with any of my 1:1 clients.

This episode was not planned at all. I didn’t tell Lauren what to say and didn’t have a script, myself. It was totally candid.

A couple of things I want to point out about coaching that maybe you didn’t know…

1) As your coach, I am there to support you with going deeper with your own thoughts and emotions. This is the magic, in my opinion. You, often, already have the answer inside of you for what you’re searching for. But sometimes it takes an expert and outside source to help you discover that thing.

2) There is no “right answer”. With that, there’s no right answer. I’m not there to tell you you are right or wrong, but rather to help you discover what’s right for you as an individual.

3) Coaching is judgement-free. Or at least, that’s how I approach it. Coaching sessions with me are a safe place for you to explore your thoughts and feelings without judgement.

4) You are on your own journey… I’m there to guide you. It’s like you’re in the driver’s seat and I’m the map to help you get to where you want to go. But ultimately, you are fully capable of being who you want to be. And that may be different from others and that’s ok. I want to help you discover who you are and what matters to YOU.

Are you intrigued? Come take a listen to my coaching call with Lauren and see what coaching is like.

Click to listen to this episode on AppleSpotify, or Google.

And if you like what you hear, please subscribe and leave a rating and a review! (I’m seriously so grateful for you and read each and every one!)

P.S. If you are looking for someone to help guide you towards where you want to be with your life and your relationship with food, come check out The Nourish Lab… this is where I do all of my coaching and teaching. We’d love to have you!


How to Make Peace with Exercise


Body Image and How We Eat