Improving Your Self-Worth & Body Acceptance with Summer Innanen


Body image is built upon your self-worth…believing you are enough, knowing that you are valuable and bring value, seeing yourself as worthy of love and care. Sometimes that comes from a relationship of loving our bodies, but sometimes that means just accepting our bodies.

And that’s what I got to talk with Summer Innanen about in this week’s podcast episode. Summer is a certified and trained coach who helps women all over the world through her program, “You on Fire”, as well as through private coaching.

In this episode we talk about…

  • why hating your body won’t get you to where you want to be

  • why it’s ok if you still desire to lose weight…you can still work on your body image

  • finding who you are beyond your appearance

  • identifying fears you have with healing your body image

  • positive body image isn’t about liking the way you look

Here are some quotes from the episode to peak your interest…

“Until you work on accepting your body, you can’t let go of the desire to lose weight.”

“To truly transform how we see ourselves, it has to come from the inside - embracing and accepting all the different parts of ourselves.”

“Using the scale creates this massive disconnect and furthers the distrust we have with our bodies and ourselves.”

“When we use outside tools to tell us how we should feel about ourselves, we give our power away.”

“Body acceptance is a daily practice and way of being.”

“Accepting your body is not giving up on your health. It’s being kinder to your body and giving it what it needs.”

“Shaming yourself is never going to make you feel better about your body.”

Good stuff, right!?

Go listen wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts… on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

And if you like what you hear, please subscribe to The Embracing Balance Podcast and leave a rating and a review! (I’m seriously so grateful for you and read each and every one!)


Body Image and How We Eat


How to Confidently Go Through Hard Body Image Days