Food Freedom Isn’t Eating Donuts Every Day

Does food freedom mean I'm going to just eat donuts every day?


I know this was a huge fear for me in the past. I thought “If I'm not tracking everything I'm eating and dieting, then I'm going to just go crazy with food and never stop eating and eat all the “bad” foods all the time.


But, that's not actually what happened. In fact, food freedom really normalized eating for me. It led me to have such a balance with eating. And I see this for each of my clients, as well.


If you've had some hesitation around “food freedom” because you're worried that you're going to lose control with food and stop wanting to eat healthy, this week's podcast episode is for YOU! 


In this episode I'm sharing with you what food freedom REALLY is, and also what it ISN'T.


As well as how you can start to move towards food freedom, yourself.

Episodes mentioned in this week’s episode:

The Diet Cycle


This is just a little overview of the podcast episode on the Redefining Health Podcast. You can find this episode wherever you listen to podcasts on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

Food freedom is all about healing your relationship with food and building confidence as an intuitive eater. This is exactly what we do together inside my program Stop Dieting Start Living. Learn more & enroll HERE.




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