Q&A: When your doctor prescribes weight loss, is coffee before breakfast bad for you, and how to eat intuitively on vacation

It's been a while! I just got back from vacation with my hubby. We went on a cruise together... no kids. It was glorious!

And, before that, I'd taken a little break from the podcast but I'm so excited to be back with you here again.

This week I am doing a little Q&A episode. A few weeks ago I asked you all on Instagram what questions you had that you wanted me to answer on the podcast. And you sent in some awesome questions!

I'm answering...

- What to do when your doctor tells you you need to lose weight because of abnormal lab findings, the lense I take with a non-diet approach, and how you can still work on healing your relationship with food and your body and be free from dieting while working towards improving your health in this way.

- The impacts of caffeine on hunger cues and cortisol and how to enjoy your coffee in the morning without the negative effects.

- AND How to eat intuitively on vacation

You can find this episode wherever you listen to podcasts on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

What question do you want me to answer on the next Q&A episode? Come share yours on Instagram for the next Q&A episode.


Blood sugar health best practices with Layne Vanlieshout


Ozempic & other weight loss medications and your health with Brittany Jones RD