Eat More Mindfully By Connecting With Your Five Senses

Do you struggle with eating mindfully?

Mindful eating is something I often help my clients with. Our culture is rushed, we’re always going from one thing to the next. You’ve probably got a million and one things on your plate. And food and eating just feels like another “to-do”. But then, looking back on your day, you realize that your busy schedule and all the things going on around you have you not eating super mindfully and then overeating more often than you’d like.

If this sounds like you, I want to share an exercise with you to practice that’ll help you to eat more mindfully. What I want you to do is to tap into your five senses before you eat. What this exercise does is it grounds you to your environment and what you’re doing (eating) which will help you to eat more mindfully.

You ready?

First, start with your sense of TOUCH. Don’t overthink it… just touch something. Maybe it’s your chair that you’re sitting in, or the table, or your chest.

Second, use your sense of HEARING and just notice any sounds you hear around you. Music playing, or the TV on, or birds chirping, or your kids being loud.

Third, use your sense of SIGHT. Just look at your plate. Notice any colors or textures with your eyes.

Then, use your sense of SMELL. Inhale deeply and smell any aromas from your food.

Lastly, use your sense of TASTE. Take that first bite and taste your food. Really taste it. Notice whether it tastes good or bad. Notice if it’s sweet or salty. Cold or hot.

Simply going through this exercise before your meal (and by the way, it doesn’t have to be a huge drawn out thing that takes 10 minutes… it can be quick) will help you to eat more mindfully.

Give it a try and come let me know what your experience with this mindful eating exercise is!

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And to have my help as you navigate learning how to let go of dieting & learn to eat intuitively, click HERE to work with me inside Stop Dieting Start Living.


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